Important Dates: December 2016

Important Dates: December 2016


1st World Aids Day   Link

1st  Lighting of Trafalgar Square Christmas  Link

2nd International Day for the Abolition of Slavery  Link

3rd International Day of Persons with Disabilities   Link

3rd -4th Tree Dressing Day  Link

5th International Volunteer Day Link

5th Day of the Ninja  Link

7th International Civil Aviation Day   Link

9th International Anti Corruption Day  Link

10th International Animal Rights Day   Link

10th Human Rights Day   Link

11th International Mountain Day  Link

18th International Migrants Day  Link

20th Last day for 2nd class mail   Link

20th International Human Solidarity Day   Link

21st Winter Solstice

21st Last Day for 1st class mail   Link

25th Christmas Day

26th Boxing Day

31st Hogmanay / New Years Eve



17thDec–8thJan Ramblers Festival of Winter Walks   Link


December Religious Days

6th Feast of St Nicholas

8th Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Christian)

8th Bodhi Day (Buddhist) 1

13th Saint Lucy’s Day (Christian)

14th Mawlid an Nabi (Islam)

16th-25th Posadas Navidenas (Hispanic Christian)

21st/22nd Winter Solstice-Yule (Pagan)

25th Christmas Day (Christian)

25th-1st Jan Hanukkah (Jewish)

26th St Stephen’s Day (Feast of Stephen – Christian)

26th Zarathosht Diso (Zoroastrian)

28th Holy Innocents (Christian)

31st Watch Night (Christian)


December National Days

1st Romania (Great Union Day)

1st Central African Republic

2nd United Arab Emirates (National Day)

2nd Laos (National Day)

5th Thailand (Birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyade)

6th Finland Independence Day)

9th Tanzania (Independence Day)

12th Kenya (Independence Day)

13th Malta (Republic Day)

15th Netherlands (Kingdom Day)

16th Bahrain (Accession of first Emir)

16th Bangladesh (Victory Day)

16th/17th Kazakhstan (Independence Day)

18th Niger (Republic Day)

18th Qatar (Qatar National Day)

20th Macau (Transfer of sovereignty)

23rd Japan (National Foundation Day)

28th Nepal (Republic Day)


­December This Day in History

3rd First successful heart transplant (1967)

4th The Dandy comic first published (1937)

4th William Pitt introduces Income Tax (1798)

5th Prohibition ends in America (1933)

5th First UK motorway opened (1958)

6th Irish Free State declared (1921)

6th First voice recording playback by Thomas Edison (1877)

7th Pearl Harbor bombed (1941)

7th Delaware becomes the first state of the USA (1787)

8th John Lennon shot (1980)

10th First Nobel Prizes awarded in Stockholm, Sweden (1901)

11th Edward VIII abdicates (1936)

12th Marconi sends first radio transmission across Atlantic (1901)

12th Abel Tasman discovers New Zealand (1642)

14th Amundsen becomes first explorer to reach South Pole (1911)

14th Women over 30 given the vote for first time in Britain (1918)

16th The Boston Tea Party (1773)

17th Orville & Wilbur Wright make first successful flight (1903)

21st First crossword puzzle published (1913)

21st Robert Lister uses anaesthetic first time in Britain (1846)

22nd Wilhelm Rontgen’s first x-ray (1895)

24th Franz Xavier Gruber writes ‘Silent Night’ (1818)

25th Elizabeth II makes first Christmas Day TV broadcast (1957)

25th Britain’s first Christmas Tree at Windsor (1800)

25th William the Conqueror is crowned King of England (1066)

26th Marie and Pierre Curie discover radium (1898)

26th Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004)

27th Charles Darwin begins scientific voyage of discovery (1831)

29th Thomas Beckett murdered (1170)

31st Thomas Edison’s first public demonstration of light bulb (1879)

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Mike Hutchins

Mike Hutchins is the founder of Good Morning Children, an on-line company that provides engaging and mentally stimulating resources for primary school children of all ages. Mike started Good Morning Children in 2006 with the aim of the company being to help children develop key thinking and reasoning skills. His qualifications include B.Sc (Engineering) and a PGCE in primary education.

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