How do I download the resources onto my whiteboard?

Our interactive resources are not for download but for using on-line.  Our picture jpegs can still be downloaded.  The easiest way is to simply click and drag the resource from the site.  Or you could use the screen capture software supplied with your interactive whiteboard.  Alternatively, the thumbnail image can be right-clicked and you will be given the option to "save as".  Where you save it on your computer is up to you, but from that location you can open the image.  

Can I download and print the resources?

Yes, as long as your membership is current.

How does the school membership sign in work?

The initial e-mail supplied by the school will have access to the membership panel where they can add the subscribed members. Individual e-mails and passwords will be required for each of those teachers.

What is the advantage of upgrading to a Paid member when I can get free resources as a Trial Member?

As a Trial Member you only have access to resources for 4 weeks. If you upgrade to Paid Member status you will have access to new resources each week and access to the gallery archive of resources from previous weeks.

Will the resources be suitable for my mixed ability class?

Many of the activities are intended to develop the children's thinking skills so should be suitable as a starting point for all your children.  We have included a challenge wherever possible to extend your gifted children. You may like to print out activities from a younger age group for those children who need support.

What will be in the newsletters?

As we are "live" each week, we will provide you with details  of anything we think may be topical to you or your children. We will try to include linked activities for some of those events. 

Can I save my resources and use them next year?

Under our Terms and Conditions you can only keep and use our resources if you have current membership.

So will next year's resources be different?

Yes, we will always provide new resources.

What happens if my term dates do not coincide with other counties?

We will provide more than enough new resources for every day of the school year.  Sometimes resources may be posted whilst you are on holiday, but they will still be available to you in the archive gallery should you need them when we take a holiday.

How Do I Fit the Image to My Screen?

The jpeg files can be dragged from our site and dropped into what ever application you use with your interactive whiteboard. From there you should be able to drag the corner of the image to make it what ever size you wish. If you hold down the shift key whilst you do this, it will maintain the same proportions as the original. Control + sometimes works to increase the size. Alternatively, you could drag the image onto your desk top or into a folder where it will then show the image file name.  Double clicking it from this location will open the image to fill your screen using which ever picture launching software your computer may have.  F11 will usually make it fill the screen even further.